Identifying People In Need Of Healthcare Discussion Paper

Gloria suffers from diabetes, hypertension, and Alzheimer’s, Gloria requires a lot of physical, emotional, and social care. People who are living with chronic diseases need to visit the doctor more often. The following terms can be used to identify people with healthcare needs: Physical: Physical problems include people who, to a greater or lesser extent, have difficulty in caring for themselves. Mobility: People who have difficulty moving around, have difficulty negotiating doorways, and risk falling or getting injured may experience reduced mobility. The following sections show how people with physical needs may be identified. Cognitive: A person may be experiencing cognitive ability problems if they have difficulty remembering, concentrating on simple tasks such as speaking, writing, and following instructions. This can often occur with a developmental condition such as dementia. People with a physical problem preventing them from attending appointments will visit the doctor less frequently than those without any problems. Emotional: A person may have emotional problems if they experience distress, anxiety, depression, or anger. People with a physical problem preventing them from attending appointments (such as a physical disability) will visit the doctor less frequently than those without any problems. Psychosocial: A person may have psychosocial problems if they experience mood swings, loss of interest, and so on due to their illness. People with a physical problem preventing them from attending appointments will visit the doctor less frequently than those without any problems Identifying People In Need Of Healthcare Discussion Paper.


To improve the patient’s health, they should undertake physical therapy. Prodding is a way for caregivers to achieve this: Mouth and dental hygiene. If someone isn’t drinking well, it’s to their benefit. Monitoring fundamental nutritional requirements even if the person isn’t eating a lot. Hygiene. For your own sake and that of your loved ones. Pain alleviation. Even if the patient is unable to swallow pills, caregivers can administer this medication in various other methods. There are many ways to provide painkillers, including injection and intravenous syringe pumping.

A person’s or a family’s social needs are addressed. When it comes to one’s health and well-being, real-time gaps can cause harm. This includes the possibility of eviction, access to healthy meals following discharge from the hospital, or transportation to a job or a doctor’s appointment after discharge from the hospital. Food, temporary housing, and transportation programs address acute social needs.

Emotional care. Your loved one is sure to have highs and lows throughout their disease. They may experience mood swings such as rage, sadness, or irritation. However, when they’re in a good mood, they might be quite upbeat. It’s difficult to advice on how to deal with the emotions of your relatives because everyone and every relationship are unique. You will have a greater understanding of your loved one than most others. It’s possible that the person you’re caring for is contemplating death and dying. The palliative care team may be a better source of information for some of these topics Identifying People In Need Of Healthcare Discussion Paper.

Spiritual care. According to a person’s ideals, spiritual care encompasses any assistance with issues regarding life’s meaning. As a whole, it encompasses a wide range of beliefs and activities. Every person’s spiritual needs are unique, and so is the type of care they require. To get to know your loved one’s spirituality, you can ask them what they would like to do or help them feel better. Talk to the local minister, priest, rabbi, or another religious official if you or someone you care about has been attending religious services but can no longer do so. A member of your faith community may make arrangements to visit you at home. Patients must maintain these religious connections and any familiar traditions.

The psychological and emotional well-being of the patient’s family and caregivers is a key component of psychological treatment. In addition to self-esteem, social functioning and interpersonal connections are included in this category. People with palliative care need more psychological care than those in other stages of life (PLWPCNs). PLWPCNs and their families must receive psychological support. A variety of medical, nursing and allied healthcare experts can help with this. There are a variety of methods for providing psychological support. It is critical to help patients and their families to develop goals and make plans for their future treatment. It is possible to provide psychological care at any stage of a patient’s sickness. To provide holistic palliative care, everyone concerned about the patient’s well-being should provide psychological support and other types of care. It’s common for patients and their loved ones to experience a wide range of emotions after being diagnosed with a life-limiting illness Identifying People In Need Of Healthcare Discussion Paper.

Patient oral hygiene, including bathing, elimination, shaving, brushing, and hairstyle,, is considered part of the adult’s basic hygiene. Patients’ well-being depends on these seemingly simple treatments. You must stay current on nursing literature to help your patients. Lack of suitable hygienic settings for patients can have a wide range of negative consequences. Patients who have had a stroke require help maintaining good oral hygiene to avoid complications such as aspiration pneumonia or opportunistic infections. Gram-negative infections can be prevented by bathing patients, especially those in the intensive care unit. Caregivers can prevent clostridium difficile infections by assisting patients with their excretion. They all serve as preventative measures to assist patients in maintaining their health.


Strategies for preventing pressure sores include; taking care of your skin, eating healthily, quitting smoking, controlling stress, and exercising every day are all ways to keep your skin healthy. Keeping one’s skin clean and dry is a simple way to take care of it. Pat the skin dry after using a light cleanser. Cleanse your skin with this regimen daily to keep it free of dampness, feces, and stool. Moisture barrier creams can help keep pressure sores at bay by shielding the skin from contact with bodily fluids like pee and feces. Preventing bedbug infestations can also be accomplished by changing your clothes and bedding regularly. Keep an eye out for skin-irritating buttons and creases in clothing and bedding. Daily skin checks are a must. Every day, pay attention to your skin for indicators of a pressure sore Identifying People In Need Of Healthcare Discussion Paper